what to say..
My habit of taking it to the last moment and virtually living on the edge is finally showing up in a not very encouraging way..not that I expected it to be encouraging..it could have been so worse. Wish I was doing this on the edge thingi at some adventure sports camp..but damn it , its the reports, presentations, projects, exams where I m wasting this extraordinary talent of mine.Its alady 9:20 in the night and instead of typing away the summer training report, I m writing all this. Dsnt matter though. Even if I finish off the report, there are other monsters to eat me up alive-- placement brochure, ads for magazine, the minor project, sem studies, CAT preparation..well I guess its enuf.
I have been carrying JACK Straight from The Gut for last two months....two months ..hell I have never been so slow. Its almost an insult. Its not a biblesome book..quite an interesting one though...dunno why I m lingering on it. The cost is that I have missed action in other books.And the news is that its less than half complete..god knows where I m going.
I guess thts enuf sulking abt this month, after all this and all that which could have been there, I thank God for giving me strength to bear the Kkkk serials that dominate almost every TV in this country, and tht I dint have to bear the accident of Khantu and his girlfriend smooching in the classroom, and that rats have stopped storming my sanctum sanctorum...oh thts my room and tht there are about 10 movies lined up waiting for me to honor them by view them unfold...hehe..some more action...and a reason to take it all to edge again.